Saturday, June 16, 2012

12 Hour Wait and A Bird

Twelve hours. In an airport. This is what I am experiencing right now. Not only did I have to wake up at 5 AM to get here, 12 hours in an airport has to be suffered through. After this, I will get on an airplane and fly down to San Jose where I will stay at a hotel through Monday morning. I will then take a five hour bus ride to the Sloth Sanctuary. And then repeat the process in two and a half weeks. Brutal on my sleep and entertainment level? Yes. Would I trade it for anything? No, well besides maybe an easier trip. It’s still hard to believe that in 48 hours I will be holding and feeding baby sloths. This is a kind of trip people only dream of. It’s the kind of trip people see on TV and think, “wow, I would love to do that” but never actually get to do it. I am so thankful for this opportunity and probably still won’t believe that I am able to have this opportunity until long after my trip is over.

The only hard part is the waiting. I arrived here in Denver around 12:30 pm. My plane for Costa Rica leaves close to midnight. It’s painful. I was able to get an internet connection on the top right side of the airport but not on the bottom left where I am currently. Down here with all of the terminals is loud and busy. I liked it better on the walkway where there is literally nothing besides a few wild birds that fly around inside the airport. However, I have to sit against a pillar and on the hard floor up there for internet and power. Instead of relaxing in the food court with a table and chair. I should go and explore the rest of the airport instead of the A terminal where my flight came in and will leave from. But knowing me, I would probably get lost somewhere that’s top secret.

All of my money in 10,000 and 5,000 increments 

While here, I exchanged $150 for the money they use in Costa Rica. Which was 61,000 colones. I feel like I am super rich and will carry this belief for the rest of my trip. I like their money, they put animals on the bills including a cougar on the 10,000 colone bill. I made sure to take pictures of them and post them. Other than that, there is nothing here really to take photos of. It’s an airport with planes and fast food restaurants and shops. Maybe I will go explore to find something exciting to take pictures of. I tried taking videos of the birds flying around, but they are hard to capture. So, with that, I am off to find and do something exciting in the Denver Airport. 

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